Wednesday 5 November 2014

Share your knowledge

Knowledge management means manage your knowledge in such a way that it helps others in improving their life. Now the question is how you manage your knowledge? Many question arises when you only think about how ? why? When? But you have to change your view, don't think like that. Yess you can do it.
we  normally think that we can't change our daily life, our society but we can. With our positive approach, we can do everything. You can help others in a field where you are best, look at your surrounding many child that cant study because of their poverty and you are so lucky enough that you can...
Share your knowledge with others, don't get jealous in this or think that others will leave you behind by using your knowledge. Do this for your own satisfaction as you will get comfort by doing it.
Help others and think positive. You used some books now you don't need it, instead of selling them give these books to a needy person who cant afford them, you have some old clothes that you don't wear instead of keeping them in your cupboards , filling your suit cases with old dresses give these dresses to a needy who really need this who has  only 1 or 2 dresses to wear and even that 2 dresses are in a very bad condition, took pity on them.
Although you have lots of problems in your life but when you do it, it will give pleasure :)
Try it.

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